The campaign and the Department for Education take seriously any allegations of a breach of the NDA Pledge.

If you believe that your university, having signed the Pledge, has subsequently used an NDA you can email us at If we consider there is a legitimate breach, the University will be flagged on the list as a having a breach reported.

Please help us by providing as much information as you can, including written evidence, about the use of any NDA related to sexual harassment, bullying or other forms of harassment since the Pledge was signed. You can ask to remain anonymous if you feel reporting a breach may create difficulties for you with the university.

If we feel there has been a legitimate breach we will notify the Department for Education.

Please note that this only applies to NDAs signed since the date your university signed the Pledge (although we are continuing to press universities to release people from all active NDAs made before the Pledge).

We have prepared guidance, with the Department for Education, for universities that have signed the Pledge to support them to effectively implement it, ensuring that they understand what this will mean for their current complaint processes. This is designed to make it clear that the Pledge cannot simply be a casual acknowledgement but will require real action for change.

The Higher Education (Freedom of Speech Act) 2023 includes a ban on the use of NDAs related to sexual harassment, bullying and other forms of harassment. This is due to come into force before the end of 2024 and we will share the official reporting arrangements when they are confirmed by the Office for Students.

Thank you for helping us to monitor the Pledge.